Republican For State Senate District 47

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 I will always put Oklahomans first; together we can build a stronger state for generations to come!

Meet Jenny Schmitt

Republican For State Senate District 47

Deep Oklahoma Roots

Jenny has devoted her entire career to enhancing the well-being of Oklahomans and is determined to apply these values in the Oklahoma State Senate. She attended McAlester High School, where her father managed the Defense Ammunition Center for over two decades. Jenny continued her education at Oklahoma State University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences. Driven by a desire to care for her fellow citizens, she pursued and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Central Oklahoma, which enabled her to dedicate herself to the health and welfare of others.

Dedicated To Family And Faith

Jenny’s father had a motto: “sacrifice, dedication, and commitment.” It’s her motto today and one that she and her husband, Brad, are working hard to instill in their own children, Caitlyn, 14, and Luke, 5. Jenny and her family are longtime members of Life Church.

Energetic Conservative Fighter

Jenny grew up going to school on a military base abroad. It was here that she learned the exceptional nature of America and our values – and that they’re worth fighting for. Jenny is a member of the Federation of Republican Women. She has been a member of the OKC Republican Women’s club in the past and is a current member of the Republican Women of Central Oklahoma. She is a former member of the Republican 5th District committee and a former State Committeewoman for the Oklahoma County GOP.

Healthcare Expert And Community Leader

Jenny Schmitt then earned a Master of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin La Crosse/Mayo Clinic Health System as an advanced practice nurse. She has long been recognized as a leading healthcare expert, with her peers and policymakers relying on her expertise and decision-making. She has served on the Board of Directors of the AANA and the Attorney General of Oklahoma’s Commission on Opioid Abuse.

In 2019, Jenny was awarded the AANA’s Ira P. Gunn Award for Outstanding Professional Advocacy as recognition for her work on healthcare policy in Oklahoma.


Safe, Fantastic Schools

As a mother of two children, Jenny is committed to ensuring that every Oklahoma student has access to fantastic teachers, excellent schools, and safe learning environments.

Jenny will work to empower parents so they always have the final say over what their children learn and experience in school.

Vibrant, Growing Economy

Jenny understands that small businesses serve as the backbone of our community and economy. She is committed to minimizing expenses, cutting through unnecessary bureaucracy, and facilitating access to new markets for Oklahoma businesses. By doing so, she aims to ensure the continued creation of family-supporting jobs that are vital to our community’s well-being.

Effective, Accessible Healthcare

As a nurse and healthcare professional, Jenny has a deep understanding of the challenges families face when trying to find the right care, at the right price, for their loved ones.

Jenny will work to improve competition, choice, and transparency in healthcare while empowering patients and doctors, so every Oklahoman can have access to quality medical care.

Local, Reliable Energy

America should never rely on foreign countries for energy. We have all the resources we need to produce clean, reliable energy right here in Oklahoma.

Jenny will work to promote Oklahoma’s energy industries to help create jobs, reduce energy costs, and keep America energy-independent.

Tribal Partnerships

I respect tribal sovereignty and the unique relationship between the tribes and our state. They are crucial partners, especially in public and rural health. I am committed to engaging with our tribal nations, ensuring they always have an open door and a willing ear, to enhance healthcare and improve the lives of all Oklahomans.

Conservative, Family Values

Jenny Schmitt is a proud conservative who will always defend the time-tested family values that have made our state and nation strong.

She is proudly pro-life and will ALWAYS defend the sanctity of life.

Jenny Schmitt, as a life-time member of the NRA, will be a staunch defender of our constitutional rights and freedoms. Pro-Liberty. Pro-Second Amendment. Pro-Freedom.

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    District 47

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